Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The beauty of simple food and great wine

Yesterday was one of those fabulous Cape Town days where it felt good to be alive. Had a meeting with Cape Royale to finalise the last arrangements for the Women's W(h)ine Night Out* on 24 June and then I was going to head back to Stellenbosch.

Got to the intersection of Green Point main road and Buitengracht, and realised SuBarShi is just round the corner. I pulled in there for a quick bite of sushi... Dragon rolls - my favourite! The chef makes them perfectly, with just the right balance of succulent tuna on the outside and fresh prawn and avo on the inside. Culinary delight. I decided on a Kanu (wooded) Chenin 2007. I'm not really a big fan of Chenin, but I have to say lately I'm quite enjoying some of the wooded ones. We tried Kanu's wooded Chenin at CWA certificate course last year and I remember liking it a lot. The balance of the soft, juicy tuna and crispness of the Chenin worked so well...

Back at home I prepared some lamb shank for friends for dinner. Had to choose a wine to compliment the prepared-with-love-and-lots-of-patience dish served with mediterranean potato mach and a salad of cucumber, mint, yogurt and pomegranate. Then my eye caught my much-loved bottle of Cirrus Syrah 2006 and I just new that would be the perfect match.

Fact: Food prepared with love tastes good.
Fact: Food prepared with love and served with an excellent wine, tastes divine!

*Don't miss out on Van Pepper Wines and Cape Royale Luxury Hotel's exquisite dinner party for women on Wednesday 24 June!

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